Home | Artists | The Maxwell Implosion

The Maxwell Implosion

The Maxwell Implosion is a one-man Berlin-based DJ project. While the Maxwell Implosion is part of the Bungalow Records/Happy Charm Fool Dance Music scene, the Maxwell Implosion sound is closer to breakbeat than to HCFDM.

Released by the U.S. label Emperor Norton in 2002, the Maxwell Implosion full-length Small Circle of Friends includes two songs from the EP Lailove: l'amour, sese formidable. The latter, a 1999 collaboration between Laila France and the Maxwell Implosion, was released by the Japanese label L'Appareil-Photo Bis.

  cover of the Laila France and the Maxwell Implosion collaboration, Lailove:
 L'amour, sese formidable
Maxwell Implosion Links

Maxwell Implosion - page on the site of the U.S. record label Emperor Norton.

Maxwell Implosion - page on the site of Germany's Bungalow Records. In English.

L'Appareil-Photo Bis - Stylish site for this Japanese record label (which released the Lailove EP described above) and graphic design agency.

This page created February 2000 - Last modified May 19, 2005

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